SCIENTIFIC JOURNAL of the Hungarian Society of Cardiology

Change in use of serum lipid lowering agents between 2007-2015 based on NHI data

█ Original article

DOI: 10.26430/CHUNGARICA.2017.47.2.119

Barna István, Gyurcsányi András
SE, Belklinika, Budapest


Keeping the level of cholesterol and blood pressure at the target level is of decisive importance, since it is well known, that thanks to this, 75% of early cardiovascular death could be avoidable. Based on the NHI database we analysed the use of serum lipid level lowering agents between 2007 and 2015. Analysing the data in 2010 and 2011 we could observe more than 800 thousand boxes turnover monthly, which after slightly decrease stopped at 700-750 thousand boxes. Among the turnovers of the different lipid level lowering agents significant difference can be observed. 87% of the booked drugs are statins. In 2007 simvastatin was the most frequently used molecule. By 2015 the use of atorvastatin (40%) and rosuvastatin (36%) was significant. The share of simvastatin is still 9% after continuous decrease. The rate of statin treatment used in fix combination is still low, although to reach better patient adherence there are even more combinations. Interpretation of NHI data it can be observed that first come professional guidelines, the evidence based publications than the expertise and these are slowly reflected in the hungarian medical practice as well.


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