SCIENTIFIC JOURNAL of the Hungarian Society of Cardiology

25 years of follow-up of the first patient with Wolff-Parkinson-White syndrome treated with transcatheter radiofrequency ablation

█ Case report

DOI: 10.26430/CHUNGARICA.2021.51.3.204

Borbola József1, Ványi József1, Hajdu Eleonóra2
1Gottsegen György Országos Kardiovaszkuláris Intézet, Felnőtt Kardiológiai Osztály, Szívelektrofiziológiai és Pacemaker Terápiás Osztály, Budapest
2Kelen Kórház, Budapest


Few data are available worldwide on the long-term follow-up of patients with Wolff-Parkinson-White syndrome treated with transcatheter radiofrequency ablation.
The aim of this paper is to report the case of our first patient treated with transcatheter radiofrequency ablation in Hungary and her 25 years of follow-up. The regular follow-ups were performed by annual telephone consultations and outpatient control examinations.
B.D. 43 year old woman was admitted into the GOKI due to her frequent, symptomatic AVRT-s (180-200/min) requiring urgent treatment and electrical cardioversion in 1994. She was planned for ablation treatment. The cardiac electrophysiology study showed a left sided bypass tract with short refractory period.
Successful left-sided radiofrequency ablation was performed by retrograde transaortic approach (July 28, 1994). During the ablation the AVRT abruptly ceased. AVRT was proved not inducible anymore by extrastimulus technique. There were no complications. Since then she is without any arrhythmia complaint, she did not take any antiarrhythmic drug and her AVRT did not occur again.
The case of the first AVRT patient treated with transcatheter radiofrequency ablation in Hungary illustrates that: (1) the effectiveness of the intervention continues to exist even after 25 years; (2) the life of the woman has changed dramatically, affected by frequent AVRT episodes previously.


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