SCIENTIFIC JOURNAL of the Hungarian Society of Cardiology

What the cardiologist doesn’t see: the antitumor effects of cardiotoxic drugs

█ Review

DOI: 10.26430/CHUNGARICA.2023.53.2.134

Rubovszky Gábor1 , Kocsis Judit2 , Torday László3 , Bittner Nóra4
1Országos Onkológiai Intézet, Mellkasi és Hasüregi Daganatok és Klinikai Farmakológiai Osztály, Budapest
2Bács-Kiskun Megyei Oktatókórház, Onkoradiológiai Központ, Kecskemét
3Szegedi Tudományegyetem, Szent-Györgyi Albert Klinikai Központ, Onkoterápiás Klinika, Szeged
4Uzsoki Utcai Kórház, Fővárosi Onkoradiológiai Központ, Budapest
Levelezési cím:
Dr. Rubovszky Gábor, e-mail:


Anticancer drug treatments have short-term and long-term side effects. The association between anthracycline therapy and heart failure has highlighted that side effects may be cardiac or more broadly cardiovascular (CV) in nature. Later, many other oncological preparations were also found to lead to CV complications, which on the one hand worsen the success of the antitumor treatment, and on the other hand require close cooperation with cardiologists and cardiologists’ awareness in this field. Cardiologists are primarily familiar with the CV side effects of oncology treatments, as well as the essential diagnostic and therapeutic options to prevent these side effects. At the same time, they have less information on the anti-tumor effect of individual treatments, and the significance of otherwise very toxic therapies in many cases. Our aim was to present some important features of these treatments within the available framework. The size of the topic within the given framework does not allow us to provide a comprehensive picture, but the authors tried to show the diversity of therapies and the approach to them. Based on the latest European recommendation, we have listed the drug groups that are known to cause CV side effects.


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