SCIENTIFIC JOURNAL of the Hungarian Society of Cardiology

Optimal Treatment of Lower Extremity Peripheral Artery Disease

█ Review

DOI: 10.26430/CHUNGARICA.2017.47.6.449

Simon Éva
Korona Prevent Med, Sopron


The Lower Extremity Peripheral Arterial Disease (LEPAD) is an increasingly common occurrence in more developed industrial countries, and a typical form of arteriosclerosis, which is one of the most common diseases of our age. It is imperative for the diagnostics, treatment and rehabilitation of lower extremity arteriosclerosis to be treated as an equally important part of the multi-faceted task posed by cardiovascular prevention and rehabilitation. The development process of these diseases is identical. Although the disease used to catch attention only after the appearance of its clinical symptoms (the typically appearing stress-induced extremity pain and its complications), we are currently witnessing the evolution of a progressive paradigm shift. Effortless screening tests raise public attention to the prevalence of the disease. When contemplating the disease and looking for its warning signals, it will become obvious that its frequency and importance substantially exceed those hitherto attributed to it. Timely diagnosis and treatment are distinguished objectives, as they might help avert the unpleasant outcome, the loss of limbs, which influences the patient’s quality of life in the most negative way possible. The presence of the disease in diabetic patients deserves special attention, as the lacking blood supply in lower extremities massively facilitates the appearance of lower extremity ulcers.


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