SCIENTIFIC JOURNAL of the Hungarian Society of Cardiology

Heart failure 2019: insights from the National Society of Cardiology Journals

█ Review

DOI: 10.26430/CHUNGARICA.2021.51.2.99

Plamen Gatzov1, Jean-Jacques Monsuez2, Gergely Agoston3, Michael Aschermann4,
Hala Mahfouz Badran5, Ariel Cohen6, Kurt Huber7, Evgeny Shlyakhto8, Dilek Ural9,
Fernando Alfonso10
1Editor-in-Chief of Bulgarian Cardiology Journal, Bulgaria
2Editor-in-Chief of Archives des maladies du coeur et des vaisseaux pratique, France
3Associate Editor of Cardiologia Hungarica, Hungary
4Editor-in-Chief of Cor et Vasa Czech Republic,
5Editor-in-Chief of Egyptian Heart Journal, Egypt
6Editor-in-Chief of Archives of Cardiovascular Diseases, France
7Editor-in-Chief of Austrian J Kardiology, Austria
8Editor-in-Chief of Russian Journal of Cardiology, Russia
9Archives of The Turkish Society of Cardiology, Turkey
10Chairman of The Editors Network of the European Society of Cardiology, Spain
Address for correspondence:
Prof. Plamen Gatzov, MD, PhD, DSc, FESC, Medical University of Pleven, 1, St. Kl. Ohridski Street, 5800
Pleven, Bulgaria.

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