SCIENTIFIC JOURNAL of the Hungarian Society of Cardiology

Cardiovascular toxicities associted with immune checkpoint inhibitor therapies

█ Review

DOI: 10.26430/CHUNGARICA.2023.53.2.95

Drobni Zsófia Dóra1, Varga V. Zoltán2, Pozsonyi Zoltán3, Szűcs Andrea1, Becker Dávid1, Vágó Hajnalka1,4, Merkely Béla1,4
1Semmelweis Egyetem, Városmajori Szív- és Érgyógyászati Klinika, Budapest
2Semmelweis Egyetem, MTA-SE Lendület Kardioonkológiai és Kardioimmunológiai Kutatócsoport, Farmakológiai és Farmakoterápiás Intézet, Budapest
3Semmelweis Egyetem, Belgyógyászati és Hematológiai Klinika, Budapest
4Semmelweis Egyetem, Sportorvostan Tanszék, Budapest
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Dr. Drobni Zsófia Dóra, e-mail:


During the last 30 years, anticancer therapies have significantly advanced. The introduction of immunotherapies has significantly improved the survival of cancer patients. Immune checkpoint inhibitors (ICIs) are the most commonly used immunotherapies. Patients with cancer are at increased cardiovascular risk not only because of shared risk factors but also due to the cardiotoxic effects of some anticancer therapies. The pivotal role of inflammation and the immune system in the pathomechanism of cardiovascular disease is well known. Based on these, cancer patients receiving ICI therapy may be at increased cardiovascular risk. Here, we briefly review the incidence, diagnosis, treatment, and screening for cardiotoxicity of ICI therapy. We also present the relevant recommendations of the European Society of Cardiology published in the summer of 2022.


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