SCIENTIFIC JOURNAL of the Hungarian Society of Cardiology

Tryptophan metabolites as potential biomarkers and therapeutic targets in certain cardiovascular diseases

█ Review

DOI: 10.26430/CHUNGARICA.2023.53.5.468

Nógrádi-Halmi Dóra1,2, Erdélyi-Furka Barbara1,2, Gáspár Renáta1,2, Csont Tamás1,2
1Szegedi Tudományegyetem, Szent-Györgyi Albert Orvostudományi Kar, Biokémiai Intézet, Metabolikus Betegségek és Jelátvitel (MEDICS) Kutatócsoport, Szeged
2Szegedi Tudományegyetem, Interdiszciplináris Kutatásfejlesztési és Innovációs Kiválósági Központ, Szeged


Inflammation plays a fundamental role in the pathomechanism and progression of coronary artery diseases (CAD), which belong to the leading causes of death globally. Pro-inflammatory signals may facilitate the degradation of the amino acid tryptophan along the kynurenine pathway, which eventually results in the release of several immunomodulatory molecules, including compounds with either toxic or beneficial effects. According to our current knowledge, disbalance in the kynurenine pathway may play a key role in the pathomechanism of certain diseases, including cardiovascular disorders. Multiple studies indicate that altered level of certain kynurenine metabolites can be detected in serum and/or urine samples of CAD patients, which alteration may correlate with the progression of CAD. This review focuses on the potential role of kynurenine metabolites as future biomarkers in the estimation of CAD risk. We also aim to describe whether kynurenine pathway enzymes or metabolites could serve as targets in potential future treatment strategies.


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