SCIENTIFIC JOURNAL of the Hungarian Society of Cardiology

3. Manuscript Preparation

2.1. Basic information (title, authors, contact)

The concise title of the manuscript in Hungarian and English (up to 100 characters with spaces, no abbreviations). Full name and title of the authors (in the case of a doctoral degree it must be indicated after the name). Affiliations of the authors (name of the institute and department, city). The address, telephone number and e-mail address of the corresponding author.

2.2. Abstract

The abstract should briefly summarize the most important findings of the manuscript – the purpose of the research, the main results and major conclusions. An abstract is often presented separately from the article, so it must be able to stand alone. It should contain the numerical results of the work. It should not contain abbreviations. All abstracts must be restricted in length to 300 words. It must be copied separately into the window reserved for the abstract during the submission process. Requirements for different types of manuscripts are detailed in Table 1.

 2.2.1 Keywords

Both in Hungarian and in English. The maximum number of keywords is 5.

Authors are encouraged to submit also a graphical abstract summarizing the main content/messages of the manuscript.

2.3 Body text

Original article: up to 20,000 characters.

  • Introduction: It contains a brief retrospective summary; long historical descriptions must be avoided. Specific questions, the purpose and the significance of the study must be formulated. The introduction should only mention the most important literary references.
  • Patients and Methods: The methods used and the patient groups should be accurately described, and the formulation should be concise. The type of equipment used, and the name and manufacturer of the materials used should be specified accurately. Drugs should be referenced by their generic name. Statistical methods must be described in such detail that a competent reader should be able to judge the planning and execution of the test, as well as assess the results. If the planning and the statistical methods of the study are based on standard work, it is enough to make a reference in the literature, instead of a detailed description. For studies conducted on animals, precise identification of the animals should be provided, and the dose should be given for medicinal products. In clinical trials, statistics on the patient population (gender, age) and the method of selection should be described. When research results involving humans are published, it is sufficient just to indicate the ID number of the ethical permission, and the identity of the person who issued the permit in the manuscript, but the written approval of the Ethics Committee must be attached.
  • Results: The main results of the study should be described. The results should be clear and concise. On presenting statistical analysis results, level of significance and confidence intervals are also required.
  • Discussion, Conclusions: A possible explanation of the results and comparison with the literature data should be provided. It is necessary to describe the relationship between the objective and the results. It is also essential to clarify the clinical relevance of the results. Hypotheses yet to be scientifically justified should be avoided but at the same time it is necessary to indicate the emerging questions, which require further processing. Especially in cases where the goal is to decide clinical applicability.


Reviews: up to 25,000 characters

When writing a review article, please conduct a systematic review and use the PRISMA checklist to make sure every important item is included. Although there is no required structure for a review article, we strongly suggest using the IMRAD structure. Please make sure to fit into the requirements stated in Table 1.


Table 1. Types and requirements of different manuscripts

Total Volume (Body text +
Abstract Body text References Tables and Figures Key-words
Original article Min 12,000
Up to 20,000
<300 words












Max. 40 Max. 5 5
Case Report Up to 5,000 characters <300 words without any required structure Introduction

Case report


Max. 10 Max. 5 5
Review Up to 25,000 characters <300 words without any required structure without any required structure Max. 60 Max. 5 5
Consensus and Position Papers
Up to 20,000 characters <300
words without any required structure
without any required structure Max. 20 Max. 5 5
Editorials Up to 5,000 characters Optional without any required structure Max. 10 Max. 2 5


2.4. Supporters, Acknowledgments



2.5. References

Only those publications that are referred to in the text may be included in the References. Only published data can be referenced. The only exceptions are articles accepted for publication, which must be clearly stated. References in the text, in the tables, in the explanations of figures should be numbered in the order of reference. Numbering should be indicated in parentheses with Arabic numerals, written before the punctuation at the end of the sentence, e.g.: (1). References should also be listed in this order, not in alphabetical. The names of the first three authors (editors) should be indicated, the other names should be replaced by the abbreviation ’et al.’. The form of the citations should be based on the following examples, which are based on the Vancouver Agreement („Uniform requirements for manuscripts submitted to biomedical journals”). Please indicate the available DOI numbers of the literature cited in the References.

Article citation example:

  • Author(s), title of article, name of journal, year, volume, page number.
    Example:Vega KJ, Krevski B Heart transplantation. Ann Intern Med 1996; 124: 980–983.
    An example for more than three authors: Parkin DM, Clayton D, Black RJ, et al. Childhood leukaemia. Br J Cancer 1996; 73: 1006–1012.

Book citation example:

  • Author(s), book title, issue number, place, publisher, year.
    Example:Ringsven MK, Bond D. Gerontology. 2nd ed. Albany (NY): Delmar Publishers; 1996.

Chapter citation example:

  • Author (s), Title of Book Chapter, Name(s) of Editor(s), Title of Book, Issue Number, Place, Publisher, Year, Page Number.
    Example:Phillips SJ, Whisnant J
    Hypertension and stroke. In: Laragh JH, Brenner BM, editors. Hyper tension. 2nd ed. New York: Raven Press; 1995. p. 465–478.

Webpage citation example:



2.6. Tables, Figures and Pictures, Graphic texts

Do not insert tables or figures in the text, just refer to them. Each table, figure, and image should have an explanation text which is self-evident.

The images will be displayed in the width of 81 mm or 167 mm, or alternatively 1 or 2 columns, so please note that during their design. The Editorial Board reserves the right to publish a color image in black and white, with its contents unchanged.

2.7 Statements

The submitted manuscript must contain or have attached a conflict of interest statement, an ethics statement with an informed consent form as applicable, and a funding statement. At the end of the manuscript, authors should include details of the contributions of each author to the article.

2.8 Linguistic requirements

  • Spelling in case of English articles:Oxford English spelling should be used. Authors with English as a second language are requested to have their manuscripts proofread before submission. This will greatly help expedite the review process by helping to ensure that the academic content of the paper is fully understood by journal editors and reviewers.
  • Latin should be used in the Latin word order for the names of anatomical, pathological, physiological and histological names, pathogens, diseases and surgical procedures, as well as patented medicinal names.
  • Abbreviations must be written in parentheses in the first place displayed, after the word to be abbreviated.
  • The results of laboratory tests should preferably be given in standard SI units, temperature in °C, blood pressure in mmHg.  If necessary, the old imperial unit may also be indicated in parentheses after the SI unit.

To achieve a consistent spelling, Cardiologia Hungarica reserves the right to modify the spelling of words other than those specified.

2.9 Formatting requirements

One single type of font is to be used in the text.

There are no restrictions in the case of symbols and special characters.

Format of Tables: in MS Word.
Format of Graphics: JPG.
Format of Images: JPG in 300 dpi / inch resolution.