SCIENTIFIC JOURNAL of the Hungarian Society of Cardiology

Excerpts from the International Hypertension Society (ISH) new hypertension guideline, which is concise, understandable and can be used in any part of the world

█ Review

DOI: 10.26430/CHUNGARICA.2020.50.4.292

Nagy Viktor,
SE, Általános Orvostudományi Kar, Belgyógyászati és Hematológiai Klinika, Budapest
Levelezési cím:
Dr. Nagy Viktor, SE, Általános Orvostudományi Kar, Belgyógyászati és Haematologiai Klinika, Budapest
1088 Budapest, Szentkirályi u. 46. E-mail:


In June 2020, the International Society of Hypertension (ISH) issued a new hypertension guideline. The diagnostic and treatment recommendations strategies of the ISH guidelines reflect those issued by the European and US guidelines, but there are also some differences. The recommendation can be extended to the whole world, easy to apply in poor and, of course, rich countries. It is recommended that hypertension be diagnosed if the blood pressure in the office is ≥140/90 mmHg. It is important for physicians to obtain the most information about patients ’adherence to therapy because non-adherence is most often the underlying cause of poor blood pressure control. New in the section on non-pharmacological treatment is the emphasis on stress reduction measures (transcendental meditation, yoga, etc.). The initiation of antihypertensive therapy is suggested by dual combination in the majority of hypertensive patients. The personalized therapy can be presented by dual and triple (fixed-dose) combination on the next level of treatment level, that helps to reach blood pressure goals.


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